Penafsiran Hukum dalam Putusan Nomor 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR ditinjau dari Konsep Ekokrasi

Aristanti, Ayu Rif’ani (2024) Penafsiran Hukum dalam Putusan Nomor 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR ditinjau dari Konsep Ekokrasi. Undergraduate Thesis thesis, UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan.

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Putusan Nomor 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR menuai kontra di kalangan masyarakat, terutama bagi masyarakat adat Boven Digoel Provinsi Papua Selatan. Hal tersebut disebabkan hakim PTUN Jayapura menolak gugatan penggugat. Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan yakni adanya cacat prosedural dan substansi pada proses penyusunan AMDAL dan penerbitan surat keputusan rencana izin usaha pembangunan perkebunan dan pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit di wilayah hutan milik masyarakat adat tanpa melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penafsiran hukum dan akibat hukumnya dari Putusan Nomor 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR apabila ditinjau dari konsep ekokrasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Putusan Nomor 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR menggunakan penafsiran hukum sistematis dibuktikan pada pertimbangan hukumnya menghubungkan antar peraturan perundang – undangan. Adapun jika ditinjau dari konsep ekokrasi dalam pertimbangannya seharusnya menggunakan penafsiran hukum teleologis dengan menekankan tujuan kemasyarakatan dan penafsiran hukum futuristis yaitu menafsirkan undang-undang dengan berpedoman pada undang-undang yang belum berkekuatan hukum. Kemudian, akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari putusan Nomor 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR adalah munculnya hak dan kewajiban bagi PT Indo Asiana Lestari untuk menjalankan rencana usaha pembangunan perkebunan dan pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit, namun menimbulkan kerugian bagi masyarakat adat yang terkena dampak pembangunan dan pengelolaan kelapa sawit di wilayah hutan adatnya yang merupakan tempat tinggal dan sumber kelangsungan hidupnya. Sedangkan apabila ditinjau dari konsep ekokrasi akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan adalah mengabulkan gugatan penggugat dan memerintahkan tergugat untuk mencabut SK Kelayakan Lingkungan Rencana Pembangunan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit dan Pabrik Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit. Keywords: Penafsiran Hukum, Lingkungan, Ekokrasi ABSTRACT Ayu Rif'ani Aristanti. 2024. Legal Interpretation in Decision Number 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN. JPR viewed from the Concept of Ecocracy. Thesis State Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia, State Islamic University, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Supervisor Ayon Diniyanto, M.H. The Decision Number 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR reaped cons among the public, especially for the indigenous people of Boven Digoel, South Papua Province. This was caused by the Jayapura Administrative Court judges rejecting the plaintiff's lawsuit. The issue at hand is the procedural and substantive defects in the process of preparing the AMDAL and issuing the decision letter for the business license plan for the development of palm oil plantations and processing factories in the forest areas owned by indigenous communities without involving public participation. This study aims to analyze the legal interpretation and its legal consequences of Decision Number 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR when viewed from the concept of ecocracy. The research method used is normative legal research employing a statutory approach, a conceptual approach, and a case approach. The research results show that Decision Number 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR uses systematic legal interpretation, as evidenced by its legal considerations connecting various regulations.If viewed from the concept of ecocracy, the consideration should use teleological legal interpretation by emphasizing societal goals and futuristic legal interpretation, which means interpreting laws based on laws that have not yet come into effect. Then, the legal consequences arising from the decision Number 6/G/LH/2023/PTUN.JPR are the emergence of rights and obligations for PT Indo Asiana Lestari to carry out the business plan for the development of palm oil plantations and processing factories. However, this causes losses to the indigenous communities affected by the development and management of palm oil in their customary forest areas, which are their living places and sources of livelihood. Whereas, when viewed from the concept of ecocracy, the legal consequence is to grant the plaintiff's lawsuit and order the defendant to revoke the Environmental Feasibility Decision for the Palm Oil Plantation and Palm Oil Processing Plant Development Plan. Keywords: Legal Interpretation, Environment, Ecocracy

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate Thesis)
Thesis advisorDiniyanto, AyonUNSPECIFIEDUNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Penafsiran Hukum, Lingkungan, Ekokrasi
Subjects: 200 RELIGION (AGAMA) > 2X0 ISLAM UMUM > 2X6.2 Politik Islam
300 SOCIAL SCIENCE ( ILMU SOSIAL ) > 340 Law (Ilmu Hukum) > 342 Constitutional and Administrative Law/Hukum Tata Negara
Divisions: Fakultas Syariah > Prodi Hukum Tata Negara
Depositing User: UIN Gus Dur Fasya
Date Deposited: 23 Dec 2024 07:05
Last Modified: 23 Dec 2024 07:05

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