A Photovoice Study Of Pre-Service Efl Teachers’ Experiences In Constructing Their Identities In Teaching Practicum

Izzah, Nailil (2024) A Photovoice Study Of Pre-Service Efl Teachers’ Experiences In Constructing Their Identities In Teaching Practicum. Undergraduate Thesis thesis, UIN K.H. ABDURRAHMAN WAHID PEKALONGAN.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memotret pengalaman calon guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL) dalam membangun identitas mereka selama praktikum mengajar. Didesain dengan photovoice, empat calon guru yang telah menyelesaikan praktikum mengajarnya diminta untuk mengambil foto mereka yang mewakili pengalaman mereka sehari-hari dalam membangun identitas mereka selama praktikum mengajar. Foto-foto yang diambil kemudian diseleksi dan dinarasikan oleh peserta berdasarkan metode SHOWeD: (1) Apa yang Anda LIHAT di sini? (2) Apa yang sebenarnya TERJADI di sini? (3) Bagaimana hubungannya dengan kehidupan KITA? (4) MENGAPA masalah atau kekuatan ini ADA? (5) Apa yang dapat kita LAKUKAN? Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa calon guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL) telah melalui proses dalam pembentukan identitas mereka, seperti pengetahuan konten, pengetahuan pedagogi, pengalaman didaktik, pengalaman mengajar di kelas, seminar atau workshop pengembangan profesional, dan partisipasi dalam komunitas praktik. Temuan lain melaporkan hambatan yang dihadapi oleh guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL) dalam membangun identitas mereka selama praktikum mengajar adalah perilaku buruk siswa, keterbatasan waktu dalam pengajaran di kelas, dan peran sesama guru pra-jabatan selama praktikum mengajar. Bukti empiris ini berkontribusi pada beberapa implikasi bagi pengembangan calon guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL). Implikasi ini terutama difokuskan pada peningkatan program praktikum pengajaran dan persiapan calon guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL) untuk karir masa depan mereka. Kata kunci: Photovoice, Identitas Guru, Praktikum Mengajar, Calon guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL)   ABSTRACT This study aims to capture pre-service EFL teachers’ experiences in constructing their identities during teaching practicum. Designed with photovoice, four pre-service teachers who had finished their teaching practicum were required to capture their photos that represented their live experiences in constructing their identities during teaching practicum. The captured photos then were selected and narrated by participants based on the SHOWeD method: (1) What do you SEE here? (2) What is really HAPPENING here? (3) How does this relate to OUR lives? (4) WHY does this problem or strength EXIST? (5) What can we DO about it? The findings of this research reveal that the pre-service EFL teachers had gone through processes in forming their identity, such as content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, didactical experience, classroom teaching experience, professional development workshop, and participation in community of practice. Another finding reported the barriers faced by the pre-service EFL teachers in constructing their identities during teaching practicum, including students’ misbehavior, time constraints in classroom teaching, and the role of fellow pre-service teachers during teaching practicum. This empirical evidence contributes to several implications for the development of pre-service EFL teachers. These implications are mainly focused on improving the teaching practicum program and the preparation of pre-service EFL teachers for their future careers. Keywords: Photovoice, Pre-service EFL Teacher, Teacher Identity, Teaching Practicum

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate Thesis)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Photovoice, Identitas Guru, Praktikum Mengajar, Calon guru Bahasa Inggris (EFL)
Subjects: 400 LANGAUGE (BAHASA) > 420 English and Old English, Anglo-Saxon (Bahasa Inggris, Anglo-Saxon) > 420 English/Bahasa Inggris
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: UIN Gus Dur Ftik
Date Deposited: 16 Jul 2024 07:25
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2024 07:27
URI: http://etheses.uingusdur.ac.id/id/eprint/9050

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